2025 Goals and Resolutions

Happy New Year!

I am a little late to the game this year, but I finally had the opportunity to put together my 2025 goals and resolutions! This is one of my favorite posts each year because I love setting goals and trying to better myself. In more recent years, I haven’t been as focused on my goals as I used to be when I was younger. This year, I do want to do a quarterly goal check-in so that I can stay on top of things.

You can see my previous recap on my 2024 goals here. In 2023, I did pretty well at completing all of my goals and resolutions. In 2024, I wasn’t quite as motivated, and I moved across the country, which uprooted me most of the year. Now that I am settled in, I want to refocus and work on building my skillset and improving my life!

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2025 Goals and Resolutions


  1. Pay off Danny’s student loans
  2. Max out my Roth IRA
  3. Save a downpayment for a house

I think these are three attainable goals for us this year. Last year we were able to pay off Danny’s car and the year before we paid off my car. Danny’s student loans are the last debt that we have, and we began to pay them down at the end of 2024. The last few years I have been able to max out my Roth IRA.

For the last few years, we have also made it a goal to save a down payment for a house. However, we haven’t been able to save a ton. This year, since most of our debt is paid off, we want to reach this goal. We resigned our lease for 15 months and are hoping that it is the last year that we will be renting. We can’t control the housing market but are at least want to make a good dent in a downpayment so that we could purchase if we wanted given the market.


  1. Sew a quilt
  2. Read 100 books
  3. Try sewing clothing

For Christmas, I got a sewing machine from Danny. I took quilting classes when I was younger, but never finished the quilt. Sewing a quilt has been something that I have always wanted to do. I feel like it has become more trendy lately with quilted jackets and Vera Bradley becoming more popular again. This year, I want to try to complete a quilt and attempt to sew clothes. I wasn’t initially interested in sewing clothing, but after discovering creators on YouTube who sew clothing, I want to at least give it a try.

Usually each year I set a reading goal of 52 books a year which evens out to once/week. In 2024, I read 80 books even after taking breaks from reading and listening to only a few audiobooks. After finishing the ACOTAR series the week leading up to Christmas, I am on a Fantasy kick and decided to set a much higher goal that I think will be a challenge.


  1. Take an international trip
  2. Go camping 10 times
  3. Visit 10 new Texas State Parks
  4. Visit 2 new National Parks

This year, I want to take advantage of my schedule as a school nurse and explore during my time off. I am writing this on my winter break and didn’t take advantage of my time off. I am grateful that I had a lot of time to chill, read, and hang out.

Even though I appreciate the downtime to recharge, I do want to take advantage of my future breaks in 2025 by getting out of the house more. After getting Danny a Blackstone in 2025, he has started to like camping, so I want to take more trips. Texas is huge and I want to be able to explore the State Parks more. The camping season in Texas is a lot longer than in Washington, so I think this year we will try to camp a lot more than in 2024.

We also have an international trip already planned to Denmark and Sweden during my summer break. I didn’t expect to travel internationally in 2024 but ended up going to Portugal and Spain. I am excited to see if any other opportunities to travel abroad present itself.


  1. Have 100,000 pageviews
  2. Make $1,000 from the blog
  3. Consistently post at least once each week

I did not reach any of the goals that I set in 2024 for my blog. I decided that I was going to set the same goals for this year. I do think they’re attainable, but I didn’t focus a lot of my attention on my blog. This is where I think a monthly check-in would benefit me.

This year, I am launching a niche blog called The Homebody Camper. I want to be consistent with posting on that blog after launching it. For this blog, I want to try to be consistent, but two blogs are a lot so I am going to be more flexible. I do want to share more travel posts since I have only posted one guide after my trip to Spain and Portugal this year.

2025 Goals and Resolutions

That’s it for my 2025 goals and resolutions! I think all of my goals are pretty doable. I want to take advantage of this season of life since I am no longer in school (though I would consider going back to get a graduate degree one day) and don’t have kids or other major responsibilities. Life is not as busy as it might be one day. I also think that investing in hobbies and travel will pay off in the future when I have busier periods of life. I am excited about what this year is going to bring. I think it will be a year of travel, hobbies, and working towards getting a house.

If you have any goals or resolutions going into 2024, I would love to hear them in the comments below!

As always, you can find me on Instagram @maddie_deer here, or can follow me on my Facebook page to be alerted of any new posts here. Thanks for reading and Happy New Year! 🙂


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